Our industry has a longstanding commitment to a cleaner environment. Our members are constantly searching for ways to further lessen their environmental impact. After all, we have a vested interest in protecting our natural resources—it’s good for business, consumers and the planet.
We carefully consider the environmental impact of our products throughout their life cycle. Beverage containers are 100 percent recyclable and are among the most recycled consumer packaging in the nation. And while the main ingredient in most of our beverages is water, we account for only a small portion of the nation’s overall water usage: just one out of every 3,300 gallons withdrawn from ground or surface water sources.
Our plastic bottles account for only 0.03 percent of all municipal waste. In other words, we are a small part of the landfill challenge. Yet, we are working to be a big part of the solution by reducing the weight of our containers and supporting greater recycling efforts. We understand the vast space of Montana creates economic difficulties to recycling in Montana that is why here at the Montana Beverage Association we are pleased to be a part of Recycle Montana (http://www.recyclemontana.org/) working toward solutions to increase recycling access in Montana.